Ep 84 The Australian woman walking the length of the Earth; the best food destinations & how to avoid jet lag
“I don’t see a town any sooner than five days and now 10 to 20 days … so it’s remote, it’s very cold …and there are grizzly bears, and wolves and they travel in packs… so I start at daylight, and I’ve always got a podcast playing because of predators,” says Lucy Barnard, the Australian woman walking the length of the Earth. With International Women's Day fast approaching, there couldn’t be a more fitting interview for this week as Lucy attempts to be the first woman to walk from Argentina to Alaska, covering 30,000 kilometres across 14 countries. Lucy shares her favourite places to hike and explains what it’s like walking through regions so dangerous you need a police escort. tanglesandtail.comAlso, the world's best food destinations according to British online travel agency Travel Bag, which Australian city's taken the coveted prize of the global food capital? travelbag.co.ukNIB Travel has seven top tips to beat jet lag, nibtravelinsurance.com.au and Belle opens the doors to the Little National Hotel in Sydney’s CBD littlenationalhotel.com.au/Sydney/Drop us your thoughts on this week's episode at
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