E100 We Can’t See Beyond A Choice We Have Not Made.
As 2025 fast approaches, we once again face a new chapter in all our lives. We have become the accumulation of all choices, decisions, and actions we have and have not taken. Naturally this will continue into 2025 and beyond.
When we don’t make that choice or decision, we cannot see what lies beyond it. Often when faced with significant decisions which will impact our lives and life direction, we can become guilty staying still. Our ego’s addiction to certainty comes to the fore and can complicate choice points.
The ego’s favourite tool is fear. It loves engaging in the ‘what if’ talk, dealing in inuendo and hypotheticals, of which the majority will never come to fruition. When the ego is driving the bus, it prefers to stick to well known routes. When our spirit or soul drives the bus, we embrace the adventure of the unknown. We go down roads which have never existed.
Carl Jung identified that we can live in one of two worlds. Those two worlds are the conventional world or the special world. The conventional world has clear path, and you simply do what everyone else is doing. This world is riddled in certainty, safety, comfort, predictability and familiarity. Whilst we all love these various flavours of comfort, we cannot grow in this environment.
If we don’t grow, we fail to keep up with who we are becoming and will struggle to handle the next level of the game, that is our lives. For us to grow we need challenge, resistance, problem, adventures and so on.
Contrary to the conventional world, the special world has no path, it has no direction and there is nobody there to tell you what to do. Sure, as we journey further into the special world, we will inevitably meet mentors and guides, but only we can take the step. There is no elevator to the top of Mt Everest. We have guides but they can’t climb it for us.
The special world requires us to make choices, new decisions and commit to our chosen direction. In this world we can change path anytime, because all paths lead to our realised potential. In the special world our path is created as we move, just as a snail leaves a trail behind. It does not wait for the trail to appear because it doesn’t exist.
We cannot see beyond a choice we haven’t made, unless we make that choice and commit.
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