A place where we explore research, amplify autistic voices, and change the way we think about autism in life and in professional therapy practice.
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Episode 100 - How to Change Everything: A Story from Ireland
In a complicated time when so many of us are feeling disempowered, this interview is a guiding light. Nessa Hill from Neurodiversity Ireland shares her story of how she used what she learned on the podcast to change the way Autistic kids are supported in Ireland on a national scale. Her story and her message are empowering for providers everywhere. Plus, listeners from all over the world share the creative, impactful ways they have applied what they’ve learned on the podcast to their communities and their work. This episode is heavy dose of real-life inspiration. After listening, check out our three newest courses at learnplaythrive.com/new
View show notes and transcript at learnplaythrive.com/podcast
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View show notes and transcript at learnplaythrive.com/podcast
Unmasking Autism in Action with Dr. Devon Price
This episode dives deep into some of the more foundational questions around being Autistic and neurodiversity, tying this into the larger systems we are embedded in. Our guest, Dr. Devon Price, helps us explore the concepts of masking and authenticity and how we, as professionals supporting Autistic people, can push back against these pressures. Dr. Devon Price is a social psychologist, professor, author, and proudly Autistic person. He has written 'Unmasking Autism' and 'Laziness Doesn't Exist'.
View show notes and transcript at learnplaythrive.com/podcast
Part-Time AAC Use with Dr. Alyssa Hillary Zisk
In this episode, we talk about why and how part-time AAC use can support authentic participation for many autistic people. We also explore Dr. Alyssa Hillary Zisk’s insights on teaching AAC from their perspective as an engineer, as a researcher, and as an AAC user.Dr. Alyssa Hillary Zisk is an Autistic part-time AAC user, using a variety of text-based tools. They are the AAC research team lead at AssistiveWare. Their doctoral dissertation was on brain computer interfaces for people with ALS.
View show notes and transcript at learnplaythrive.com/podcast
Nigh Functioning Autism: From Shame to Empowerment with Tiffany Joseph
In this episode with autistic AAC user Tiffany Joseph (they/them, she/her), we cover functioning labels, AAC access, how race intersects with disability in the Autistic community, aggressive behaviors, and so much more. But the thread that runs throughout the conversation is empowering our clients to participate more authentically in their daily life. Tiffany Joseph, or TJ, is an Autistic educational consultant, and runs the Instagram and Facebook pages 'Nigh Functioning Autism', where they post about AAC, being Black and Autistic, epilepsy, ADHD, OCD, and more.
View show notes and transcript at learnplaythrive.com/podcast
A place where we explore research, amplify autistic voices, and change the way we think about autism in life and in professional therapy practice.
Visit learnplaythrive.com/podcast/