KICPOD is a D&M with your besties on the stuff that matters. Hosted by Steph Claire Smith and Laura Henshaw, founders of Kic, a health & wellness app that focus...
How we split the domestic load in our relationships
This week we’re talking about how we split up the domestic labour in our homes. A few weeks ago the HILDA survey (Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey) came out which found that men are doing the same amount of housework now as they were when the survey started…20 years ago. This made us reflect on how we do divvy up the chores in our homes. And! Do you brush your teeth before breakfast or after? What about shampoo or conditioner? We asked you which thing you do first and turns out they were more divisive than we thought. Lastly! Is anyone else sleeping on top of a piece of plastic? SPECIAL SHARES Steph: Toxic Town on Netflix Laura: Runn (Nedd Brockman documentary) Kic UPDATE Our Real Runners Challenge is on now! Choose to cover a total distance of 10, 20 or 40km over 4 weeks. Together with New Balance we’re making every step count. Complete any run in the Kic app to count towards your goal. Follow a run program, choose a guided run or use the run tracker for your walks and runs. If you’re new to Kic, you can check out a 7-day free trial by downloading the app from the App Store and Google Play Store FOLLOW US KICPOD @kicpod on InstagramJoin our closed KICPOD Facebook group Claire Smith @stephclairesmith on Instagram & @steph_claire_smith on TikTokLaura Henshaw @laura.henshaw on Instagram & @laura.henshaw on TiktokKic on Instagram & @kic on TikTok and or download the app from the App Store and Google Play StoreSee for privacy information.
How ADHD presents in women - with journalist Matilda Boseley
Matilda Boseley is a journalist and author of the book ‘The Year I Met My Brain: A travel companion for adults who have just found out they have ADHD’. The book is part-Matilda’s experience of ADHD, and part-straight up facts, and this conversation was a little bit of both too. Matilda's book has become Steph's go-to recommendation for anyone wanting to learn more about ADHD, and especially ADHD in women. Because the thing is…ADHD presents verrrrry differently in women and girls compared to boys. In this episode Matilda speaks with Steph about learning about ADHD via TikTok during Covid lockdown, receiving an ADHD diagnosis in her early 20’s, the compounding impact of ADHD & anxiety, and Steph & Matilda both share their own experiences of being women with ADHD. FIND OUT MORE The Year I Met My Brain - Matilda Boseley Follow Matilda on Instagram @mattieunofficial on TikTok and InstagramSee for privacy information.
I Think I Have ADHD - with psychologist Bec McWilliam & psychiatrist Dr Dianne Grocott
So…what is ADHD? How is it diagnosed? What does it look like in adults? What medications exist and how do they work? For the first episode of the ‘It’s My ADHD’ miniseries, Steph sits down with a psychologist and a psychiatrist to find out more about ADHD and how a psychologist and a psychiatrists’ approach differs when it comes to diagnosing and treating ADHD. Bec McWilliam is a holistic psychologist. Bec has ADHD herself and diagnoses adults with ADHD. Dr Dianne Grocott is a psychiatrist with 30 years experience in private & public practice who specialises in ADHD & Addiction Psychiatry. In 2015 she co-founded the Victorian Adult ADHD Interest Group to share expertise and resources to improve the lives of their patients with ADHD. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Bec here: and keep your eyes peeled for her 'Understanding ADHD' Follow Bec on Instagram @psychologistbec Find out more about Dianne here: RESOURCES Dianne has created a library of resources here: Bec recommended the following resources: The Year I Met My Brain - Matilda Boseley Taking Charge of Adult ADHD Neurodivergent Skills Workbook Your ADHD Besties Podcast The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Podcast ADHD Experts Podcast The Neurodivergent Woman Podcast See for privacy information.
It’s My ADHD - a miniseries with Steph Claire Smith
Last year, at 30 years old, Steph was diagnosed with ADHD….But what’s next? ‘It’s My ADHD’ is an 8-part miniseries, where Steph will speak with experts and people living with ADHD to learn more about ADHD and how it has impacted different parts of her life, including her relationship with Josh, parenting, entrepreneurship, and disordered eating. If you have ADHD, or if you know someone, work with someone, or love someone with ADHD we hope this series will equip you with greater understanding, empathy and grace for yourself and others ❤️ Episode one is coming tomorrow Wednesday March 19th. See for privacy information.
Steph's moving!
There’s one question that keeps showing up in Steph’s question box on Instagram so this week she sets the record straight…and shares a truly awkward melt moment. And Laura listened to an episode of The Mel Robbins Podcast about anxiety and creativity and we want to talk about it. WE MENTIONED The episode of The Mel Robbins Podcast was called ‘How to Control Your Mind & Redirect Your Energy to Self Transformation’. You can listen here: SPECIAL SHARES Steph: Wind River Laura: Running Point Kic UPDATE The Real Runners Challenge starts on Monday March 24th! Choose to cover a total distance of 10, 20 or 40km over 4-weeks. Use your Kic app to track your distance. Plus, we’ve also dropped our return to running postpartum program to help you safely rebuild your confidence and strength, one step at a time. Over 8 weeks Laura will guide you from 0-3km at your own pace over 2-3 runs per week. The program is made for mums who are at least 3 months postpartum and have clearance to return to running, for most mums it will be around the 6 month mark, and others might not feel ready until 12 months. The program has been developed by our expert physios to prioritise safety and postpartum recovery. FOLLOW US KICPOD @kicpod on InstagramJoin our closed KICPOD Facebook group Claire Smith @stephclairesmith on Instagram & @steph_claire_smith on TikTokLaura Henshaw @laura.henshaw on Instagram & @laura.henshaw on TiktokKic on Instagram & @kic on TikTok and or download the app from the App Store and Google Play StoreSee for privacy information.
KICPOD is a D&M with your besties on the stuff that matters. Hosted by Steph Claire Smith and Laura Henshaw, founders of Kic, a health & wellness app that focuses on feeling your best, not looking a certain way. To learn more you can find them on Instagram at @kicpod,, @stephclairesmith and @laura.henshaw or visit their website