It’s a new season and we’re heading back to the basics to help you reduce your financial overwhelm and start (or keep) doing money better. This week Mel and Lawsie talk everything business, side hustle, and hobby related. Starting a business, side hustle, or paying hobby is easier than ever, but if you’re going to do it, you may as well be as successful and profitable as you can while you do. In this episode they’ll share things they’ve seen business owners do badly (so you can dodge those same mistakes), top tips, and the things that they’ve seen business owners do successfully that you should absolutely implement. Whether you’re firmly unemployable like Mel (AKA a business queen), or forever and always an employee like Lawsie, this is the episode to learn all things business, and more. For more tips and resources, visit us at, on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok @MelBrowne.Money or send us an email at
[email protected]. Books and resources mentioned in this episode My Financial Adulting Plan Mel's Money Lesson: Double My Business Mel's Money Lesson: Pricing Psychology Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe, share it with a friend and leave us a review.